N.W.Kent Parishes : Bromley - List of churches and parishes of Bromley. - http://www.nwkfhs.org.uk/brml_plc.htm
Farnborough Parish - Parish information for St Giles the Abbot and St Nicholas churches, including Burial Registers from 1558 to the present day. - http://www.farnborough-kent-parish.org.uk/
Bromley Methodist Church - Includes services, events, magazine, photos and activities. - http://www.bromleymethodistchurch.org.uk/
Anerley Methodist Church - Offers general information including service times and activities, minister's page, history, events, message board contact and links. Part of the London Sydenham and Forest Hill circuit. - http://www.anerleymethodist.org/
Pray for Bromley - Led by senior pastors of three Bromley churches. - http://prayforbromley.org.uk/