Swaythling Methodist Church - Offers services and preachers, activities including detached youth work project, history, contact and location. - http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/parrisstrmm/mainfram.html
Sublime - Youth congregation of the Community Church in Southampton. - http://www.sublime.org.uk/
Thekchen Buddhist Meditation Centre - Offers classes in Buddhism and meditation. Profile, courses and information about the teachers. - http://www.whymeditation.org/
Catholic Southampton - Mass times, news and information from the Catholic churches in Southampton. - http://www.catholicsoton.org.uk/
Primary Catholic Partnership - Offers school centred initial teacher training which promotes teaching and learning based on a Catholic philosophy of education. - http://www.pcp-scitt.org.uk/
Edmund Kell Unitarian Church, Southampton - A congregation of religious liberals in Southampton. Information about the church, Unitarianism, special events and the minister. - http://www.swanmore.freeola.com/
Muslim Council of Southampton - Serves the Muslim community in and around the city; includes details of mosques, and an events listing. - http://www.mcs-online.org/
Central Southampton Vineyard - Christian fellowship in central Southampton. Site includes information on becoming a Christian, photographs and details of worship albums produced by the group. - http://www.southamptonvineyard.org.uk/
Verwood Methodist Church - Presents services and preachers, prayer requests, diary and contact. - http://verwood.methodist.users.btopenworld.com/
City Life Church - Offers traditional Christian beliefs with a modern style of worship. - http://www.citylife.org.uk/
Swanmore Methodist Church - Mission, services, activities, building project and contact. Part of the Meon Valley circuit. - http://www.s-m-c.org.uk/
Saint Edmund and Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Parish - One parish with two churches in Southampton City Centre, Hampshire. Includes staff profiles and liturgical schedule. - http://www.hants.gov.uk/scccc/pages/parish.htm
The Parish of Swaythling - An extract from the parish magazine, and a list of events and services. Located in Southampton. - http://www.hants.gov.uk/swaythlingparish/
Highfield Church - C of E church, with a lively community congregation - http://www.hants.gov.uk/highfield_church/
Freemantle Evangelical Church - A small but friendly church in Freemantle - http://www.hants.gov.uk/freemantle_e_church/
Church of St John The Evangelist, Hedge End - Since 1874 St John's has been the focus of the Church of England in Hedge End. Details of services, events and current fund-raisers. - http://www.hants.org.uk/stjohns/
Central Baptist Church, Polygon - Information about the Baptists, the services and history of the church - http://www.hants.gov.uk/centralbaptist