Wimpole Road Methodist Church - Offers services, activities, history, minister, tour and location. - http://www.wimpoleroadchurch.org.uk/
Stanway Evangelical Church - Offers articles, history, magazine, events, mission, junior church, events, people, prayer and location. - http://www.stanwayevangelicalchurch.co.uk/
Castle Methodist Church - Offers services, contacts, children's groups, outreach activities, Alpha, ministers and guest book. - http://beehive.thisisessex.co.uk/default.asp?WCI=SiteHome&ID=858
St Teresa of Lissieux, Lexdon - Catholic parish with the two churches of St Teresa and St Johns. Offers services times, events, diary, newsletter and thoughts. - http://www.stteresa.co.uk/
Colchester Buddhist Centre - Offers meditation courses and Dharma study classes for all levels of experience. Includes details of the centre, courses, photos and a newsletter. - http://www.colchesterbuddhistcentre.com/
St Peters Church - Anglican church listing a welcome, services times, vicar, events, location, tour, history and bells. - http://www.stpeterscol.org.uk/
St James and St Paul's Church - Anglican church offering worship times, news, calendar, history, feedback, organist's corner and contact. - http://www.stjamesstpaulcolchester.org.uk/
St Botolph's Church - Anglican church who inform of their history, services, how to become a friend and tell of their work. - http://www.stbotolph.fsnet.co.uk/
Lexden Methodist Church - News, events, young people and links. Part of the Colchester circuit. - http://www.lexden.org.uk/
Orthodox Parish of St Helen - Only Eastern Orthodox parish in North Essex. Part of the British Antiochian Orthodox Deanery. Includes history, services, location, directions, with history and restoration of the chapel. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/orthodox.colchester/
St John's Church and St Luke's Church - A worship service for teens and twenties. Includes service dates and times. - http://www.generation-y.kemc.co.uk/stjohns.htm
Greenstead Evangelical Free Church - Beliefs, location, students, activities, photo, contact and history. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mr.hill/noframe.html
St Margaret's Church - Photographs, a virtual tour, and an events calendar for the Anglican church. - http://www.stmargcol.org.uk/