Lewes Green Party - Local group information, news, events, campaigns, newsletters, press releases and local councillors. - http://www.lewesgreenparty.org.uk/
Lewes Labour Party - Lewes Branch of the Labour Party. Weblog, gallery, links and contact details. - http://www.leweslabour.org.uk/
Lewes Conservatives - Profiles the constituency, includes news, press releases and events, and introduces the local officers and candidates. - http://www.lewesconservatives.com/
Lewes Living Streets - Lewes branch of Living Streets: national campaign of the Pedestrians' Association. Includes links, contacts and results of community street audits. - http://www.michaelcahill.dsl.pipex.com/
Rocket FM Lewes - A local radio station broadcasting in Lewes and the surrounding area for three weeks during October and November 2003. - http://www.rocketfm.org.uk/