North Devon Liberal Democrats - News, views, elected representatives and contact details from Lib Dems in the Constituency and District of North Devon. -
South Devon Green Party - News and information from Greens in Teignbridge and Torbay. -
Torridge and West Devon Liberal Democrats - Local election manifesto and contact details, presented in an unusual style by the Lib Dems in this part of Devon. -
GENUKI: Devon Online Parish Clerks and One-Place Studies Project - Project to make available on-line all the available historical data on a parish including census returns, church registers, churchwardens accounts, land tax records, postal directory extracts, church and village histories. -
East Devon Council for Voluntary Service - Helps local voluntary organisations, community groups and charities to flourish by offering advice and information on topics such as funding, volunteers, the law and management. -
Devon Family Mediation Agency Ltd - Assists couples from all over the region who are experiencing separation or divorce. Includes details of the staff and useful links and information. -
Devon Heritage - Historical information about North Devon. Includes local museums, family histories, smugglers' tales and information about parish registers. -
Dewnans - Celtic history and culture of Devon, covering ancient Dumnonia, Devon Stannary Parliament, the flag, tin and copper mining, customs, folklore and language. -
Devon Liberal Democrats - News, MPs, candidates and contact details from Lib Dems in the County of Devon. -
Reading Groups - Reading Groups in Devon. Includes links to active groups and advice on setting up groups. -
Thomas.J.Gribble - Thomas is a working spiritual clairvoyant, and Tarot card reader. -
Devon History Society - Organisation founded in 1969 to further the knowledge and study of Devon's history. -
Devon Historic Churches Trust - The Devon Historic Churches Trust is a registered charity. It assists Devon churches and chapels, of all denominations, with grants and loans for repairs, maintenance and restoration work. -
Queen's Rangers, 1st American Regiment, - Devon, England-based reenactment group for the first British Army regiment to wear green. Site includes historical information about the regiment, including photographs, as well as calendar and membership information. -
Devon Social Group - A friendly club for those living in Devon, Cornwall, and Somerset. Offers a range of organised activities and events. -