The Winsford Trust - Aims to raise funds to restore the Winsford Cottage Hospital, which is an arts and crafts building at Halwill Junction, Beaworthy, designed by Charles F. A. Voysey. Includes visitor information. -
Winsford Walled Garden - A restored Victorian walled garden in Devon; open to the public in summer. Information about the history, restoration, design and plantings. Contains extensive details of Victorian horticultural engineering including greenhouses and conservatories. -
Ultrashine - Mobile car valeting company comes to your home or business. Includes price guide. -
Anglers Paradise - Anglers' holidays at Halwill, with twelve lakes and a variety of fish. Includes details of the cottages, flats and villas, facilities, attractions and tariffs. -
Patchacott Highland Ponies - A small stud aiming to produce performance ponies. Located at Patchacott. -
South West Forest - Independent, non-commercial partnership providing a service paid for by its funding partners for the establishment of new woodlands. Offices located at Beaworthy. -