WISE Women special - The Sellafield Story - Article by Janine Allis-Smith about her son who often played on the beaches near Sellafield, and who at the age of 12, was diagnosed with leukemia. - http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/index.html?http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/509-10/5009.html
Team Investigation of Sellafield - Report from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) into a multidisciplinary team inspection carried out by HSE into the control and supervision of operations at BNFL's site at Sellafield. - http://www.hse.gov.uk/nuclear/team/team.htm
Guardian Unlimited - Nuclear Reprocessing - Find out how nuclear processing works at the Sellafield THORP plant, with this click-through graphic. [Flash required] - http://www.guardian.co.uk/nuclear/flash/0,6189,181369,00.html
Windscale Nuclear Incident - Detailed description of the world's first significant release of radioactive material from a nuclear reactor. This happened on October 7, 1957, at Windscale in Cumberland, [now renamed Sellafield]. - http://www.nucleartourist.com/events/windscal.htm
Crisis deepens over British nuclear reprocessing plant - Article from World Socialist on international alarm over the production and storage of nuclear waste and reprocessed fuel at Sellafield. - http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/apr2000/nuc-a03.shtml
BBC News - What is nuclear reprocessing? - BBC News Online examines the benefits and disadvantages of the nuclear fuel reprocessing system. Includes a description and graphic of the Sellafield process, and links to related Sellafield news items. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/647981.stm
Greenpeace - Reprocessing - Various articles from the Greenpeace website on reprocessing, including several relating directly to Sellafield. - http://archive.greenpeace.org/~nuclear/reprocess.html
N-BASE Sellafield Crisis - Reports from various sources commenting on the reports by the Health and Safety Executive's Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII), published on Friday 18th February 2000 on British Nuclear Fuels and the Sellafield reprocessing plant. - http://www.n-base.org.uk/public/report_links/danming_sellafield.html
Children of Plutonium - Article on the high cancer rate in the offspring of Sellafield fathers, by William Keepin, Ph.D. - http://www.nonukes.org/w15cancr.htm
British Nuclear Fuels - The company's expertise spans fuel manufacture and uranium procurement through to recycling used fuel, transporting radioactive materials, engineering, waste management and decommissioning. Operators of many UK nuclear plants, including the Sellafield rep - http://www.bnfl.com/
Guardian Unlimited - Today's issues - Sellafield - feature on Sellafield in the Guardian, Friday February 18, 2000, with a description of what the plant does, why Sellafield is in the news, and questions why nuclear power is unpopular. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/theissues/article/0,6512,184655,00.html
The Alternative Guide to Sellafield - An alternative view to the official one about the 1957 fire, reprocessing, plutonium and other matters at the Sellafield (formerly Windscale) nuclear reprocessing plant in West Cumbria. - http://www.lakestay.co.uk/ast.htm
Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment - CORE's campaign remit is to cover all aspects of Sellafield's operations including the radioactive sea and air discharges, the resultant contamination of the local environment, and the health detriment to local communities and wildlife. - http://www.corecumbria.co.uk/