Castlegate Singers - A ladies three-part choir performing at local concerts, charity events and special occasions. Includes upcoming events section. -
Skylark Studio - Original paintings and etchings, jewellery and British crafts. The gallery and workplace of artist and etcher Rolf Parker. -
Percy House Gallery - Gallery and outlet for creative Cumbrian arts, design, sculpture and furniture. Contains work by the famous sculptor Josefina de Vasconcellos. -
The Kirkgate Theatre - Theatre, cinema, exhibitions, and events listing for the Kirkgate Centre, Cockermouth, Cumbria, UK. -
Castlegate House Art Gallery - Art exhibitions feature paintings, sculpture, jewellery and ceramics from Northern England, Scottish and World artists. -
Belfagan Womens Morris Dancers - Photos, music to download, poetry, diary and reports of the Society, which based in Cockermouth. -