The Schoolhouse Arts & Community Centre - Non profit gallery, coffee shop and community centre at Morvah. Boasts workshops, film, poetry, music, theatre and storytelling events, educational talks and community meetings. -
Cape Cornwall School - School handbook, information for parents of new children, photographs, calendar and homework help. -
St Just Mines Research Group - Submarine mines of the district, with a tour and description for each mine. Links to other mining sites. -
Lafrowda Festival - A community festival, with twelve hours of live music and entertainment. Details of events, the town and accommodation. -
Levant Mine - Former tin and copper mine, home to Cornwall's oldest working beam engine. Photographs, location map, visitor information and news. -
St Just Online - A history of, and guide to, the town and parish. What to see, coming events and some background to the mining history of the area. -