Tamar Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - Describes the landscape, wildlife and heritage of the area, with information about conservation, and for visitors. - http://www.tamarvalley.org.uk/
The Tortoise Garden - A sanctuary for the rescue, care and conservation of all breeds of tortoises. News, photo gallery, and visitor information. - http://www.thetortoisegarden.co.uk/
Cornish Geology Website - The geology of SW Cornwall. History, tectonics, magnatism, mineralisation and mining. Includes a section of photographs, plans and sections of South Crofty Tin Mine. - http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/geologyofcornwall/
West Cornwall Astronomical Society - Exists to improve public understanding of astronomy by means of regular presentations, meetings and practical activities; includes news, members' presentations, meeting reports, invited speakers, newsletter, equipment loans, and gallery. - http://www.westcornwallastrosoc.org/
Recycle for Cornwall - Campaign developed to raise public awareness of recycling. Seasonal advice, local facilities, composting, educational visits and newsletter. - http://www.recycleforcornwall.org.uk/
Cornwall Butterfly Conservation - The Cornish branch of Butterfly Conservation dedicated to saving wild butterflies, moths and their habitats in Cornwall. - http://www.cornwall-butterfly-conservation.org.uk/
Cornwall Garden Society - A charity promoting conservation and protection of our natural environment by encouraging gardeners to follow good gardening practices. - http://www.cornwallgardensoc.ik.com
Cornwall Friends of the Earth - A campaigning group for environmental issues in Cornwall. - http://www.foecornwall.org
ReMaDe Kernow - Taking a fresh look at Cornwall's waste. - http://www.remadekernow.co.uk/
Guild of Cornish Hedgers - Continuing an ancient craft of hedge laying in Cornwall. - http://www.cornishhedges.co.uk/
Cornwall's Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) - This Cornwall Biodiversity Initiative project is a partnership of many organisations, businesses and individuals from across the Cornwall working together to protect and enhance wildlife. Details of Biodiversity Action Plans (BAPs) available. - http://www.cornwallwow.org.uk/bapaudit.htm
West Cornwall Women’s Land Trust - A 2 acre field near Sancreed in west Cornwall that was purchased in 1996 by donations, and then legally placed in Trust for women to use and enjoy. - http://www.womenslandtrust.org.uk/
Cornwall Environmental Consultants Limited - An ecological, landscape and graphics consultancy which undertakes work for a variety of clients throughout Cornwall. All profits are covenanted directly to the Cornwall Wildlife Trust. - http://www.cec.gb.com
Camel Trail - The Camel Trail is a 17 mile traffic free route based on an historic railway track. - http://www.destination-cornwall.co.uk/Camel%20Trail/The%20Camel%20Trail%20Guide.htm
Sustrans - A charity that works on practical projects to encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport. - http://www.sustrans.org.uk/?county=1092667884046
West Cornwall Badger Group - Part of Brock the Cornwall branch of the National Federation of Badger Groups (NFBG) - http://www.cornwallbadgergroup.org.uk/
Wildlife Veterinary Investigation Centre - A wildlife veterinary pathology centre in Chasewater, set up to investigate disease and mortality in dead wild animals. - http://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/projects/vic/index.htm
Seaquest South-West - Dolphin, whale, turtle, shark and seal recording project run by the Cornwall and Devon Wildlife Trusts. Asks people to gather information and raises awareness. - http://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/nature/marine/seaquest.htm
Cornwall Sustainable Energy Partnership - Over 50 organisations working together on sustainable initiatives. Lists members and aims of each task group. - http://www.csep.co.uk/
Cornwall AONB - A partnership coordinating the management of a designated Area of Natural Beauty throughout Cornwall. - http://www.cornwall-aonb.gov.uk/
Botanical Cornwall Group - A group of Cornish botanists which co-ordinates botanical recording within Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. - http://floracam.co.uk/bcg/
Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly - ERCCIS is the environmental and biological record centre for wildlife and geological information in Cornwall. Site contains information on Cornish wildlife, recording projects and training courses. - http://www.cornwallwildliferecords.co.uk
Shorelife - Information about the natural history around the Cornish coastline. - http://www.pznow.co.uk/marine/sea_life.html
Cornwall Moth Group - Promoting the recording and conservation of moths in Cornwall. - http://www.cornwallmothgroup.org.uk/
Cornish Hedges - The Dry Stone Walling Association provide a specification for Cornish hedges. - http://www.dswa.org.uk/Publications/Leaflets/spec_cornish_hedges.htm
Cornwall Wildlife Trust - The Trust is a registered charity and is the only organisation dedicated to the conservation of the Cornish environment and its wildlife. - http://www.cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk/
Observatory for Cornwall Project - Charitable company formed by a number of local people with a common interest in astronomy who got together with the purpose of building an astronomical observatory. Background, supporters, contest, work schedule, directors, news, target location, and fun - http://www.observatoryforcornwall.co.uk/
Cornish Wildlife Mailing List - A group that discusses nature local conservation by e-mail. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CornishWildlife/
Cornwall Air Quality Forum - CAQF has representatives from five of the District Councils in Cornwall, Cornwall County Council, the Environment Agency and Cornwall College and offers expertise in the field of outdoor and indoor air quality monitoring. - http://cornwall-airquality.org.uk/