Tarporley High School - The official site for Tarporley Community High School, serving a large part of Cheshire. - http://www.tarporleyhigh.co.uk/
Bunbury Singers - A community choir based in and around the Bunbury area. A mixed voice (SATB) choir of around 30 members. - http://www.bunburysingers.org.uk/
Tarporley Wanderers FC - Club officials, news, information, players, and links. - http://website.lineone.net/~tarporleywanderers/
Rotary Club of Tarporley - A group of professional and business people, providing service for the community, raising money for charities - and having a good time. - http://www.tarporleyrotary.fsnet.co.uk
1st Tarporley Scout Group - Scout group in Tarporley, rural Cheshire, providing scouting activities for 170 beavers, cubs, scouts and ventures. - http://www.tarporleyscouts.f9.co.uk
Tarporley.Net - A guide to the village, including details of accommodation, shops and attractions. - http://www.tarporley.net