Swavesey Village - Includes latest news, diary, forums, maps and council news. - http://www.swavesey.org.uk/
Davies Catering - Company offering indoor or outdoor services within the region. Details include profile, examples of menus available, photographs and contact information. - http://www.daviescatering.co.uk/
Swavesey - Community website which includes photos, history, maps of the village and links to other sites - http://www.swavesey.co.uk/
Swavesey Primary School - Information includes curriculum, PTA, governors, out of school clubs, staff profiles, downloadable prospectus and contact data. - http://www.swavesey.cambs.sch.uk/
The Parish and Priory Church of St Andrew - Sections include a history of the building along with a virtual guided tour, details about the bell ringers, Sunday school, copies of the magazine and times of services. - http://www.ely.anglican.org/parishes/swavesey/index.html
MG Owners' Club - Offers technical advice, a spares service, events diary, and regalia. Some areas are restricted to members only - http://www.mgcars.org.uk/mgoc/
Swavesey and District Bridleway Association - Local branch of the society define their aims, outline the cost of membership and give contacts. - http://homepages.which.net/~phil.wadey/features/sdba.htm
Abbeygrove Construction - Steelfixing and reinforcement specialists in Swavesey. Includes company profile and portfolio. - http://www.abbeygrove.co.uk/
Reiki School - Teaching and therapy using Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki techniques. Training to all levels. - http://reiki-school.net
Bethel Baptist Church - Alpha courses, mid-week activities, monthly calendar, contact details and location map, and links to other organisations. - http://www.bethelbaptistchurch.org.uk/
Swavesey and the Great War 1914-19 - An online memorial to the men of Swavesey who were killed in action, or who died from wounds or disease in the Great War, 1914-1919. Includes short stories about several of the villagers. - http://www.curme.co.uk/swavgw1.htm
Swavesey 1st - Sea Scouts - Includes programme information, photos, and contacts. - http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~adb/scout/swavesey.html