South East Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrats - News, events and contact details from Lib Dems in the South East Cambridgeshire Constituency. -
Stow-cum-Quy - General information, local groups, Village Hall, Parish Council, what's on, and history. -
Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrats - Liberal Democrat Group on Cambridgeshire County Council. Introduces the Lib Dem Councillors,and includes manifesto, news and campaigns. -
Maxey Village - Features current news and events, information about village hall, church and pub. Photo plus written archives and local business listings. -
Guide to Cambridgeshire Parish Churches - Information about medieval parish churches of the City and the County that have been visited by two individuals, with notes, history and pictures for each one. Also contains a list of the dedications to the different saints and suggested further reading. -
Cambridge Community Safety Partnerships - Details of the areas, Cambridgeshire crime audits, community safety strategies, where they meet, news and information. -