The Old Flying Machine Company - Preserves and maintains rare vintage aircraft in airworthy condition. The aircraft, shows, services, pilot profiles, photographs, and contacts. -
Airborne Assault Duxford - A museum dedicated to the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces, on the site of the Imperial War Museum. Museum design, general information, archive film, and contacts. -
Duxford Radio Society - The radio section of the Duxford Aviation Society, consisting of volunteers who research, conserve, restore and display historic military radio, Radar and navigation equipment to support the Imperial War Museum. News, conservation and restoration, radio s -
The Duxford Aviation Society - The society shares the site at Duxford Airfield with the Imperial War Museum. Site map, history, aircraft, military vehicles, and private collections. -
Imperial War Museum AirSpace - A vision of the future for aviation history. The Skywall, tour, in focus, conservation, learning, and exhibitions. -
Helitech 2007 - A three day exhibition of helicopters, systems and equipment, during October, at the Imperial War Museum. General information, venue, accommodation, travel, conference, and contacts. -
Duxford Update - Gives a regularly updated snapshot of the museum's collection of aircraft and military vehicles, also a regular status check on the many privately owned warbirds and armoured vehicles resident at Duxford and on public display. -
The Aircraft Restoration Company - Performs restorations, both flying and static, for museums, collections and private owners. Information on past and current projects, picture gallery, news and employee information. -
Royal Anglian Regiment Museum - Features general, visitor and attendant information, on-line exhibits, and shop. -
Duxford Legends - Facts, and computer-generated images. -
Imperial War Museum: Duxford - European aviation museum housing a collection of historic aircraft. Tank and military vehicle collection and the American Air Museum. -
The Fighter Collection - Duxford -Europe's premier collection of Fighter aircraft. -