Sherington - A guide to Sherington including news, photographs, location map and a list of village services and contacts -
Dukes of Buckingham and Chandos - The history of the Dukes of Buckingham and Chandos, of Stowe and Wooton Underwood (Bucks) and Avington (Hampshire). -
Buckingham Canal - Buckingham Branch of the Grand Junction Canal. Information from 1792 when plans for it were announced through to the start of restorations in 1992. Includes maps and interviews. -
Buckinghamshire Photographs - Searchable online collection of over 20,000 photographs of old Buckinghamshire, accumulated by the Museum, Library and Record Office. -
Buckingham, Winslow & District Scouts - Information on the many scouting groups in the district. An overview of scouting from a Beaver scout 8 to 10 years old through to a Network scout 18-25 years old with links to each local group. contact for the district commissioner. -
Buckinghamshire Forum - A place to trade honest opinions on anything happening in Bucks. Topics include places of interest, hobbies, jobs, gossip and news. Chat room. -