Powerful Information - Charity based locally supporting grassroots projects in low-income countries building local capacity and reducing poverty and injustice. Along with contact details, information about the organisation and how they work can be found an overview of current p - http://www.powerfulinformation.org/
Global Centre - A place supporting and promoting activities of a local nature which enhance global sustainable development. Vision, ethos, structure and future of the centre along with progress and events news and means of contact. - http://www.globalcentre.org.uk/
Milton Keynes Community Foundation - Local independent charity that raises funds and makes grants to local charities and voluntary groups, directing monies to meet the needs of the community. Information about the foundation and what they do, along with how to join and contact details. - http://www.mkcommunityfoundation.co.uk
Willen Hospice Lottery - Weekly charity lottery providing essential regular income for Willen Hospice. Details about the charity and how to participate. - http://www.willen-hospice.org.uk/lottery.htm