Welcome To Hyde Heath - Local community site. Detailed village history and map, list of current regular and coming events, on-going features of many village organisations along with details of local services and what's on. - http://www.hydeheath.com/
St John the Baptist's Church - A brief glimpse at the history of the church with photo, forthcoming events and a list of services at both this church and a small daughter church, St Andrews, at Hyde Heath. - http://www.stjohnbaptistlm.org.uk/
Little Missenden Festival 2004 - Details of this festival, programme listing, how to book along with location details and contact information. - http://fp.alanmhedges.plus.com/
Little Missenden Castle - Brief details, photos and location of the remains of Tower Castle. - http://www.castleuk.net/castle_lists_midlands/165/missendencastle.htm
Hyde Heath Infants School - A primary school that serves both village and surrounding district. Details of the schools aims, curriculum, staff and governors, achievements and clubs along with some featured work of children. - http://www.hydeheath.bucks.sch.uk/
Cloud 8 - A contemporary steel and glass home under self construction by the owner. Documents the trials and tribulations of such a project in a rural environment. - http://www.cloud8.org.uk/