Bristol (West) Methodist Circuit - A group of seven Methodist Churches who worship and serve in the North West area of Bristol. Special events and staff also map and details of churches -
Horfield Methodist Church - Services, information, contacts, history and location. Part of the Bristol (North) circuit. -
John Wesley's Chapel - The oldest Methodist Chapel in the world (1739) located in Broadmead. History, information about guided tours and publications. -
Keynsham Methodist Church - Representing the two churches of Queens Road and Victoria in Bristol. Overview, services, events and contact. -
Speedwell Methodist Church - Services, history, events, bulletin board, prayer, activities and contact details. -
Knowle and Totterdown Methodist Churches - Church information, minister's letter, activities, forthcoming events and history. Part of the Bristol (South) circuit. -
Wesley College - Ecumenical centre of Christian Education. Trains Methodist Ministers but has staff and students from other denominations. Courses and costs, library, teaching, accommodation and conference facilities, forthcoming events and magazine. -