RMBI 2008 Festival - The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution charity festival for 2008 in the Province of Bristol. - http://www.rmbi2008.org.uk/
Jessie May Trust - A charity that provides a hospice at home service for children with terminal illnesses. Services provided, news and fundraising information. - http://www.jessiemaytrust.org.uk/
African Initiatives - A local organisation that supports African communities by providing resources, training, information, advice and advocacy: campaigns, aims, links, contact details. - http://africaninitiatives.gn.apc.org
John James Bristol Foundation - A grant-making trust established by the Bristol-born philanthropist John James. Includes history, biography and recent grants. - http://www.johnjames.org.uk
Bristol Charities - Administer those charities that were formerly under the control of the Corporation of Bristol. Almshouses, sheltered housing, grant giving. Includes a history of Bristol's almshouses. - http://www.bristolcharities.org.uk/
St Monica Trust - Information on accommodation, care and support provided by the trust for older and disabled people. Also features training and employment details. - http://www.stmonicatrust.org.uk/
The Society of Merchant Venturers - Explains the society's current charitable and philanthropic role in the context of their 450 year history. - http://www.merchantventurers.com/
VOSCUR - Voluntary Organisations Standing Conference on Urban Regeneration. Improving the quality and equality of life for people in Bristol. - http://www.voscur.org/home/
Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme - RSVP is a part of the national charity Community Service Volunteers. Details of community work and services. - http://www.rsvp-west.org.uk/
One in Eight Online - An educational charity and community project based in Horfield providing training, education and support: profile, services and contact details. - http://www.oneineight.co.uk/
Bristol Foyer - Project to support young people by providing accommodation whilst they undertake training and look for employment: news, information, contact details. - http://www.bristolurban.org.uk/foyer.html
George Muller Foundation - Christian charitable foundation working with disadvantaged young and old people: news, projects, contact details. - http://mullers.org/