Images of England
- A digital library of photographs and descriptions of England's Listed Buildings. All descriptions and many images can be searched online. Project organised by English Heritage.
View Buildings - A large photographic archive documenting architecturally interesting and historically important buildings in England. Registration required and only a sample of the content is free. -
Heritage Open Days - Annual event that sees various private historic and interesting buildings opened to the public. Includes details of the properties taking part, newsletter and information about the backers of the scheme. -
English Historic Towns Forum - EHTF offers support and guidance on conservation area management, traffic and visitor management, urban regeneration and design, and other planning issues. -
English Architecture - The story of English architecture, from prehistoric monuments to the Victorian era, including period styles and major buildings to visit in England, from Britain Express. -
A Selection of Historical Buildings in England - Photographer Alan Soedring's extensive galleries of photographs with notes mainly from Pevsner, The Buildings of England. -