Centre for Deaf Studies - Run by Bristol University, and concentrating solely on research and education that aims to benefit the deaf community. Includes course details, on-line learning opportunities, and a library of deaf issues. - http://www.bris.ac.uk/deaf/
Maria Landy - Specialises in Special Educational Needs (SEN) training, inspection, advice and support for school management, teachers, and support staff; information about courses and consultancy services, with contact details. - http://www.marialandy.co.uk/
Scottish Sensory Centre - Promotes and supports new developments and effective practices in the education of children and young people with sensory impairments, (visual impairment, deaf and deafblind). Information about their courses, research, publications, and resources. - http://www.ssc.education.ed.ac.uk/
CandLE (Communication and Learning Enterprises) - Offers a range of consultancy, teacher-training and assessment services in the fields of Alternative and Augmentative Communication, and Facilitated Comunication Training. Contact details. - http://www.contactcandle.co.uk/
University of Central Lancashire - Deaf Studies - Information about under- and post-graduate courses offered, with details of resources available. - http://www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/class/edustud/deaf/