Writing With Confidence - An open learning course to develop writing skills for letters, reports, memos and e.mails. Everything you need to become effective in written communication. Includes a professional backup service and personal tuition. - http://www.kosmos.co.uk/writing/
BBC Education - Adult Learning - Access to learning resources for adults on a variety of subjects. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/learning/subjects/adult_learning.shtml
Person-centred Art Therapy - Lists course venues, links, course details and content. Provides contact details. - http://person-centred-art-therapy.com
Artcourses Directory - Directory of arts and crafts classes, workshops and painting holidays in Britain and Europe. Find a course and provides contact details. - http://www.artcourses.co.uk/
BBC - Skillswise - Aims to help adults to improve reading, writing and number skills. Offers Level one literacy and numeracy resources: worksheets, quizzes, games and messageboard. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/
Careers Research and Advisory Centre - Provides information and advice on further education and lifelong career development. - http://www.crac.org.uk/