OS MaterMap - Ordnance Survey Business Partner responsible for delivering mapping products online. - http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/products/osmastermap/
Maps of Scotland.com - Maps and guides to Scotland including charts, atlases and satellite maps. - http://www.mapsofscotland.com
BorderArt - Historical and genealogy maps of Scotland. - http://www.borderart.com
Oxford Cartographers - Online supplier of all Ordinance Survey maps, full UK coverage. Also specialist maps for motorists, cyclists and walkers. - http://www.oxfordcarto.com/
Mapstore - Online company selling Ordnance Survey maps. Also specific OS maps for walking, cycling and road user. - http://www.mapstore.co.uk/
The Landmap Project - Orthorectified satellite image mosaics of Landsat, SPOT and ERS radar data and a high resolution digital elevation model for the British Isles. Requires subscription. - http://www.landmap.ac.uk/
EDINA Digimap - Online Ordnance Survey maps for tertiary education and research users. - http://www.edina.ac.uk/digimap/