Working Titles Publishing - Provides a complete editorial and design service. Produce The Herald staff newsletter on behalf SIRVA UK, the parent company of Pickfords. -
The HR Directors - Monthly HR strategy publication with plain English editorial style, providing professional expertise on topics that are of immediate importance for the niche readership. -
Plain English Guide - Gives businesses comprehensive and up to the minute guidance on HR, employment, tax and legal issues. -
PES Ltd - For tax, employment and HR issues, a one-stop service provided in technical support and outsourcing services. Plain English booklets available. -
The Job Partnership - Human Resources site with news and articles of interest to HR professionals in the UK. -
Your People Manager - A service from Investors in People UK, aimed at helping the managers of small businesses deal with the everyday questions, issues and problems of managing staff. -
XpertHR - A subscription based service with information on HR and employment law issues. Coverage includes news, employment law, recruitment, training, and legal advice. -
People Management - A web based news magazine from CIPD. Searchable database of archive, analysis, legal news, case studies, reviews on HR. -
Whole of the Moon - The alternative recruitment industry newsletter and chat forum. -
Online recruitment magazine - Information about the online recruitment industry. It also has a searchable database of online recruitment sites around the world. -
Workrite - Offers staff contracts, employment law advice, health and safety advice, insurance and help line. -