Reynolds Human Resources Consultants - HR consultancy services in psychometric testing, search and selection, training and development, assessment centres and HR strategy. -
Champfleurie Consultants Ltd - Business psychologists based in Central Scotland, specialising in management development and performance improvement through competencies, assessment centres and training. Site contains related articles, product and service information. -
ClickATest - Accurate psychometric assessments delivered online for use by those recruiting. -
Sales Team Focus UK - A sales consultancy offering online psychometric recruitment testing, designed to help employers improve the performance of their sales teams and reduce training and recruitment costs. -
Ergon Competence Assessments - Provides solutions to enable people selection, especially for internal projects and external recruitment. Works closely with the British Computer Society for their competency framework and its automation. -
Iridium Consulting - Provides experienced assessment and development consultants. Services include; assessment centres, development centres, team building, executive coaching and NLP for business. -
Endor Learning & Development - Providers of behaviourally based management learning services. -
Oxford Psychometrics - A small team of independent Chartered Psychologists offering work-related business solutions to clients, both large and small. -
OPP Optimising People Performance - Formerly Oxford Psychologists Press. Delivers training and solutions including MBTI step 2 and 16PF. -
Affinities Interactive Learning - For people with a felt need to learn more about themselves and their relationships through research-based psychometric inventories and interactive learning. -
PerformanSe - Designs, develops and markets behavioural skills assessment solutions for HR professionals. -
Team Insight - HR consultancy offers psychometric testing and analysis for recruitment and selection, personal development, coaching and mentoring, team building and career counselling. -
Discus Online - Information on Discus online a work style assessment tool for selection, training, development and teambuilding. -
Human Resource Profiling - HR Profiles Ltd specialises in the use of Hogan psychometrics for behavioural profiling of individuals, for the purpose of human resource planning, selection, development and performance coaching -
West Associates - Industrial psychologists offering consultancy and implementation of psychometric testing. This firm also offers recruitment marketing, teambuilding, stress management and career counciling. -
Qi Concepts Limited - Occupational psychologists based in Nottingham, UK, specialising in management development and assessment. -
Emotional Intelligence Partnership - Accredited to deploy Emotional Intelligence profiling tools within British corporations in order to recognise, encourage and develop EI. -
Get the Psychometric Advantage - Allows job-hunters to try employment psychometric tests online free of charge. -
PSYchology CONsultancy - PSYCON is a psychology consultancy service which specialises in 'People within Organisations' -
Psychometrics UK Ltd - Company specialising in measuring the skills and aptitudes of IT job applicants. -
Liam Healy and Associates - UK based occupational psychologists specialising in psychometrics, selection and development, assessment and development centres, psychometric test software publishing, and personal development/career counselling. -
Psychometric & Personality Tests - Psychometric tests and psychological profiling developed by the University of Hertfordshire. -
Psychological Solutions - Company offering a range of services including psychological assessment and HR consultancy. -