Rose, Tim - Watercolour artist specialising in the portrayal of buildings. Details of exhibitions, corporate card services, and previous commissions. -
Martin Goode Watercolours - Framed prints of local scenes of Britains cities, towns, villages and famous landmarks. Mainly the work of watercolour artist Martin Goode. -
Lambert, Brian - Pen and ink wash paintings of some of the UK's historical buildings and locations. -
Hazlehurst, Bill - Pen and ink drawings and water colours of historical buildings in Birmingham, Bromsgrove, Halesowen, Stourbridge. Books also available. -
Green, William Albert - Pen and ink drawings made 1925-1983 of historical buildings in the Midlands and Mid-Wales: biography, gazetteer and forum. -
Goode, Martin - Framed fine art prints depicting scenes of Britain's cities, towns, villages and landmarks painted by this watercolour artist. -