Mill Hill Jazz Club - Weekly live jazz evening in North West London; includes programme, venue, and contact details. Also links to Mill Hill Music and Jazz Festivals. -
Jazz Course - Provides courses and workshops throughout the UK including summer music schools in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Cambridge. -
Leeds Jazz Archive - Information about the history of Leeds Jazz which has been presenting jazz musicians of international standing since 1984. Site includes pictures, posters, players and dates. -
GlasJAZZ - Covers jazz in Glasgow and Scotland with reviews, interviews, gigs, audio samples, and guides to clubs, pubs and organisations. -
Bristol Jazz Society - Jazz news, venues, events, and related links in Bristol, England. -
Jazzwise - E-zine listing scheduled performances and offering recording reviews and feature articles. Printable subscription form for print edition. -
Bedford Jazz - A voluntary, non-profit-making organisation, whose aim is to promote jazz performances in Bedford. -
Jazz by the Stour - Charity festival held over four days in the village of Bures located on the Essex/Suffolk border. Includes events, history, and committee information. -
Jazz in Leeds - Leeds jazz scene, news, gig listings, pictures and links. -
Jazz Services - Describes itself as the leading national jazz organisation in the UK. It is notable for its list of links. -
Jazz at the Fleece - A comprehensive, informative site about a respected jazz club in Suffolk. Contains full programme details. -