Science Museum Library - Science Museum Library is a research library, open to the general public for reference. Our collections form a record of scientific, technological and medical change since the eighteenth century -
British Library of Political and Economic Science - As well as being the working library of the London School of Economics (LSE), the library serves as a national collection of material for research on Social Sciences. -
British Film Institute National Library - The bfi National Library provides access to a large collection of documentation and information on film and television. -
National Marine Biological Library - Based in Plymouth, south-west England, the NMBL contains one of the world's major collections of literature on aquatic sciences and fisheries, and acts as a marine biological sciences resource for the UK. -
British Library Public Catalogue - A free service to allow you to find out what material is held in the major Reference and Document Supply collections of the British Library. -
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA) - The national (UK) development agency working for and on behalf of museums, libraries and archives and advising government on policy and priorities for the sector. -
The Portico Library and Gallery - A subscription library in Manchester featuring 19th century literature, local school exhibits, artist submissions, and gallery. -
Marx Memorial Library - Subscription lending library in London dedicated to Marxism and labour movements. Overview of collections, lecture programme and membership rates. -
The London Library - Scholarly subscription library in central London collecting principally in the humanities. History, collections, membership information and online catalogue. -
Leadhills Reading Society - Official site of the oldest subscription library in Britain, founded in 1741. History of the library and the village, photographs and information for visitors. -
The Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution - Private lending library in London including archives relating to Highgate Village and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Description of collections and lecture programme. -
Chetham's Library - Founded in 1653 in Manchester, England and open free of charge. History, list of manuscripts and online catalogue. -
Chawton House Library & Study Centre - Centre for the Study of Early English Women's Writing, 1600-1830, in Jane Austen's former home. Online texts, history and access. -
The Birmingham & Midland Institute Library - Book collection dating from 1799 and music library. Events, membership and location map. -
Association of Independent Libraries - Directory and guide to the history and collections of independent subscription libraries. -
The Ambleside Museum & Armitt Library - Free educational institution in the Lake District. Bibliographies and artefacts on natural history and local people including Beatrix Potter, Ruskin and the Lake poets. -
Inner Temple Library - A law library for Inner Temple members and for barrister members of the other Inns of Court. Includes a history of the Inner Temple. -
People's Network - Government site detailing the progress of the government's project to connect all public libraries to the Internet -
Familia - Index of family history resources held by public libraries in Britain and Ireland -
The UK Public Libraries Page - An exhaustive list of libraries, compiled by Sheila and Robert Harden with sites that make 'an effort to use the medium imaginatively' marked. -
British Jigsaw Puzzle Library - Lending library of hand made wooden jigsaw puzzles. 3,500 puzzles in current circulation. The club has been in existence since 1933. -
COPAC - Unified access to the catalogues of some of the largest university research libraries in the UK and Ireland. -
Poetry Library Online - World's largest public library devoted exclusively to modern poetry. Site includes a 'Lost Quotation Noticeboard' for when you can't remember what comes next. -
British Library, Inside - Access to 10.5 million articles from 20,000 premier journals, 2.5 million conference papers, 10,000 new articles daily. Search and order directly over the Web and receive articles within two hours. -
National Library of Scotland - A complete list of Library catalogues and indexes, current exhibitions and a digital library. -
Public Lending Right UK - Provides information on the PLR Scheme. It provides advice on eligibility, registration and payment from government for the free lending of their books by libraries. -
British Library, Portico - The British Library's Online Information Server. Includes: Blaise - bibliographic records provided by the major departments of the British Library, including Humanities and Social Sciences, the Science Reference and Information Service, Oriental and India -
Bodleian Library - One of the world's oldest and most famous libraries at Oxford University. -