Artpoint Trust - Visual arts and crafts agency providing consultancy and project development services for the commissioning of new work for public spaces: profile, projects, services and contact details. -
Lakeside - University of Nottingham's public arts centre with a programme of music, dance, theatre, visual art and family events. -
Yorkshire Art Circus - Community publisher, arts organisation and education provider. Information about their creative learning and writer development programmes. -
Blast - A BBC initiative encouraging 13-19 year olds throughout the UK to get involved in dance, film, art and music. -
Greenwich Mural Workshop - Information on community and public art mosaics, murals and banners. Also projects with schools. -
A Festival of Ephemeral Arts - Celebrating the transitory arts from all cultures with an emphasis on encouraging community and school involvement. From Asian Arts Access. -
FACT - Electronic arts agency specialising in community arts, video, multimedia, installations and publications. -
Postcard From Pilton - A web project by young Scottish people from Greater Pilton, Edinburgh, expressing a positive sense of themselves and their community. -
Millennium Book Project - A women's art project funded by the Arts Council of England. Gallery, exhibitions. -
Weekend Arts College - Offers training for young people in the performing and digital arts. Includes a gallery of students work. Based in Camden, London. -
Black Labrador Community Arts - Group based in Manchester who organise an annual community arts week. -
Community Development Foundation - Features foundation which aims to promote effective participation of people in the decision making processes which affect their lives. -