Timothy Mowl - Architectural historian presents his series of county guides to the historic landscapes and gardens of England, biographies, and other studies. - http://www.timothymowl.co.uk/
The History of Houses - Offering building history research in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and the Cotswolds. Pricing outline and case studies. - http://www.dustyoldbooks.com/hoh/
House History London - Nick Bentley and Hilary Denness offer to provide a detailed report on the history of any house, particularly in the London Borough of Richmond. Charges and sample report. - http://www.househistorylondon.co.uk/
AFI - Creates modern and period artwork for commercial interiors, based on historical research. Samples. - http://www.afiart.co.uk
The Online House Detective - Nick Barratt explains how to trace the history of your house or any other building, and offers professional research help throughout the UK for those who need it. - http://www.house-detectives.co.uk
The Historical Research Agency - Kate Spiers offers family and building history research services. Based near Bath, but covers most UK libraries and record offices. - http://www.historicalresearch.biz
The House Historians - Kay Ross and associates offer to unravel the history of buildings from medieval to Edwardian. They will create a portfolio including reconstruction drawings. Services, sample, fees. - http://www.thehousehistorians.co.uk
House Historians - Rosalind Chislett and Jane Davidson, both graduates in archaeology from the University of Kent, will trace the history of your house in Sussex and Kent. Services available. - http://www.house-historians.co.uk/
Surrey House Detective - Gillian Blok is a professional researcher of house history. Profile, services and methods. - http://www.surreyhousedetective.co.uk/
The Architectural History Practice - Offer professional research on historic buildings in the UK. They provide a brief guide and bibliography to researching your own house. - http://www.architecturalhistory.co.uk/