4piSr - Contains a number of spherical 360° panoramas from Stockholm, Örebro, and Swedish world heritage centers, taken by photographer Lennart Möllerström. QuickTime and a broadband connection is required to view the panoramas. - http://www.4pisr.se
Map of Sweden - Shaded relief map with a few of the major cities. - http://www.freeworldmaps.net/europe/sweden/map.html
Photos from Sweden - Photos taken by D. LeGourrierec, from 1997 to 1999. Mostly pictures of Uppsala but also some from the north of Sweden. - http://dlg.atspace.com/photopages/sweden.htm
Sweden Trip-report - Pictures from a trip through southern Sweden undertaken by a German family in the summer of 2003. - http://www.haller-mtl.de/schweden/sweden.html
Photos-suède - Contains a photo gallery of Sweden and Scandinavia. - http://www.photos-suede.com/
SwedenPics - Pictures and photos from different parts of the country at different times of year. - http://www.swedenpics.com
Focus on Sweden - Contains several photo galleries showing Stockholm during various times of year, Lapland, and towns in middle and southern Sweden. - http://www.objectif-suede.com
Sweden Pictures - Travel photographs of Sweden. - http://www.abiyoyo.com/suecia/suecia.htm
Sweden Trip - Photos from a trip to Sweden to pick up a new Volvo from the factory. - http://home.earthlink.net/~dbagshaw/swedentrip
Sweden Maps - The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. - http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/sweden.html
National Atlas of Sweden - Provides a total geographical description of Sweden, ranging from population and industry to environmental questions, nature and culture. - http://www.sna.se/e_index.html