Riccardo G. Facchini - Contains information about Riccardo Facchini's projects, career, interests and hobbies. Also available in Spanish and Italian. - http://www.facchini.net/riccardo
Puerta del Sol Blog - Reflections on Spain and Spanish Culture. - http://www.puertadelsolblog.com/
Daniel Mairena - His pictures, descriptions, thoughts, poems, texts, games and town. - http://danielmairena.galeon.com/eng/index.htm
La Reblujiña - Reblujiña means mixture, odds and ends, something of heterogeneus content. This is personal webpage that has from pictures of birdwatching to t-shirt drawings. - http://www.webpersonal.net/reblujina/
At Oto's - Medieval Spanish and European Literature. - http://atotos.gksdesign.com/