Lopez Martin Collection of Maps and Manuscripts - Collection of late sixteenth and early seventeenth century documents coming from Spanish and Dutch archives. - http://www.straatvaart.com/collection/
Columbus and the Age of Discovery - Text retrieval system of over 1000 articles, speeches. conference papers, and opinions on encounter and discovery themes from Millersville University in Pennsylvania. - http://muweb.millersville.edu/~columbus/
Spanish Civil War - A library of links to sites focused on Spanish Civil War, classified by language and by topic. - http://www.historiasiglo20.org/enlaces/gceindexen.htm
Resources for Spain - Provided by the University of Kansas. Includes hundreds of organized links to historical associations, bibliographic resources, libraries, archives, museums and publishers. - http://www.ku.edu/~iberia/ssphs/spainresources.html
Spain -- Primary Documents - History of Spain: manuscripts and original documents. - http://library.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/spain.html
WWW Virtual Library: Spanish History Index - Provides links to various gateways, journals, organizations, and other resources relating to the history of Spain, organized by geography, chronology, or topic. - http://vlib.iue.it/hist-spain/Index.html
Historia a Debate - A sustained network which brings together historians from all over the world, through both activities where they are present and the web, in and outside the academic institutions. - http://www.h-debate.com/English/index2.htm
Library of Iberian Resources - Searchable collection of full-text papers and articles available electronically. - http://libro.uca.edu/