Abrix - Company offering car rental and operative leasing. Site includes price list, booking form, list of cars and rental conditions. - http://www.abrix.sk/
Auto V.K.M. - Car rental in Bratislava operating 24 hours daily. Site features price list, order form and list of cars. - http://www.rentalcar.sk/
AutoDanubius - Car rental service. Includes rates and conditions of rental. Based in Bratislava. - http://www.autodanubius.sk/
Come and Drive - Offers rental of Skoda cars with additional services. - http://www.comeanddrive.sk
Eurocar Servis - Lists cars to rent with prices and rental conditions. - http://www.eurocar.sk/
Atlantis Car Rental - Lists types of cars, prices, and rental conditions. - http://www.atlantiscar.com