Turanian Lands - Turanian Peoples - Information concerning the Turanians, a presumed group of ethno-linguistic related peoples, and their Eurasian lands, in text documents, images and maps. - http://www.hunmagyar.org/
Monitoring of Ethnicity, Conflicts and Cohesion - UNESCO sponsored research project studying conflicts and cohesion related to ethnicity in the post-communist world. - http://www.unesco.org/most/monitor.htm
The Volga Ural Page - Devoted to the scholarly study of the region, focussing on history and politics, anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. - http://www.scsv.nevada.edu/~werthp/Volga-Ural.html
Dzhangar-Geser - Moderated platform for information, communication and discussion on matters related to the Mongol peoples in Russia. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Dzhangar-Geser/
Turkic Republics and Communities - Extensive list of websites and pages pertaining to Turkic speaking peoples. - http://www.khazaria.com/turkic/index.html