Kamchatka Live - Live streams showing several volcanoes on the Kamchatka peninsula. - http://data.emsd.iks.ru/videosvl/
Sochi Web Cams - Four live views of the Black Sea coastline at Sochi, including Krasnaya Polyana, the site of the 2014 Olympic games. - http://sochi2014.com/sch_webcam
Primorye Web-Cameras - Four web cameras in Vladivostok, Russia overlooking the city's railway station, a local cinema and two factories. - http://www.primorye.ru/camera/
Russian Livecams - A directory of web cams in several different Russian cities. - http://www.livecam.ru/
LiveCam St. Petersburg - A live view of a canal embankment in central St. Petersburg. - http://www.livecam.spb.ru/
Earthcam - Moscow - Camera situated on top of the Moscow Business World Bank, offering a central view of the Moscow skyline. - http://www.earthcam.com/russia/moscow/