Healing of Memories in Romania - A Project of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe - Leuenberg Church Fellowship (CPCE) and Conference of European Churches (CEC) in cooperation with their Lutheran, reformed and orthodox member churches in Romania. - http://www.healingofmemories.ro/
Partner Churches - Bridgewater/Haranglab - Presents details about a partnership which links Transylvania churches with churches in North America. - http://personal.tmlp.com/hayesboh/uu/pcc.htm
Charis Foundation - A Christian mission that aims to support a disadvantaged population through charitable activities. Includes a list of programs, archived newsletters and contact information. - http://www.charisfoundation.info/
Exalting Jesus Romania - A site to support the indigenous church of Romania and to make disciples through supporting church plants, evangelistic summer camps, and mercy ministries. - http://www.exaltingjesus.ro/