Ceausescu & Romania - Chronology of the Ceausescu regime and its aftermath. - http://cidc.library.cornell.edu/dof/romania/romania.htm
Nicolae Andruta Ceausescu - Includes a short biography and background notes on the Romanian dictator. - http://www.moreorless.au.com/killers/ceausescu.html
Ceausescu's Journey to the East - Academic paper examining the influence of the personality cults of Mao and Kim Il Sung on Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaucescu. Downloads as PDF. - http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/kokkalis/GSW4/TolnayPAPER.PDF
Elena Ceausescu: The negative role model - The execution of the Ceausescus in 1989 destroyed the image of Elena as the female ideal, but no one has ever really taken her place. Strangely, Elena Ceausescu still largely defines what it would mean to be a powerful woman in Romanian politics today. - http://www.ce-review.org/99/3/women_lovatt3.html
Nicolae Ceausescu, 1918-1989 - Brief biographical sketch of Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu. - http://www.historyguide.org/europe/ceausescu.html
History House: Caligula and Ceausescu - Explores similarities between the ancient and modern dictators. - http://www.historyhouse.com/in_history/ceausescu/
Was Nicolae Ceausescu a Vampire? - Examines Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu obsession with Vlad Tepes Dracula. - http://www.communistvampires.com/ceausescu.htm
Ceausescu's Trial - Transcript of Nicolae Ceausescu's December 1989 trial. - http://www.timisoara.com/timisoara/rev/trialscript.html