EE Group - Produces electric relays for three-phase electric motors protection, level electronic relays, temperature electronic regulators, panel digital voltmeters, electric switch - boxes for three - phase electric drivings ( motors, pumps, ventilators, and so on. -
Industrial Mecano - Products and services for abrasive materials, packaging materials, packaging machines and tools, pneumatic power tools and special adhesive tapes. -
Prodmoreco S.A. - The company produces cranes and electric chain hoist. -
1Iunie SA - The company's endowment enables: coton threads knitting, textile finishing - dyeing, printing, shearing -, embroidery, cuting out and confectioning of products. -
Stimel S.A. - Information about Stimel products: Thread Rolling Machines, Electric Discharge Machines, Cutting Robot, Packaging Machine, Oil Production Machines, Road Processing Machines and Transport Machine. -
Electromotor S.A. - Manufacturer of single and three phase induction electric motors and various tools & devices. -