Faculty of Computer Science Iasi - Part of the A.I.Cuza University of Iasi. Staff, structure, facilities, students and other information. [English/Romanian] - http://www.infoiasi.ro/fcs/
Romanian Education Network - Includes details about the network, services available, a site map and links to other related sites. [English/Romanian] - http://www.iasi.roedu.net/
Institute of Mathematics "O. Mayer" - A division of the Romanian Academy. Staff, research projects, achievements and events. - http://www.iit.tuiasi.ro/Institute/institut.php?cod_ic=13
Institute for Computer Science - A division of the Romanian Academy. Staff, research projects, published books, articles and events. - http://www.iit.tuiasi.ro/Institute/institut.php?cod_ic=8
Gh. Asachi - Technical University of Iaşi - Contains information about the faculty, students activities, and facilities. Also has a section for foreign students admission. - http://www.tuiasi.ro/
Alexandru Ioan Cuza - University of Iasi - Established in 1860. this it the oldest Romanian University. Provides background, history, and a list of online services. [English/Romanian] - http://www.uaic.ro/