NAMR - Regulatory authority for mineral resources in Romania. -
CEELI - Romania - ABA/CEELI, a public service project of the American Bar Association, promotes the rule of law in the world by supporting the legal reform process in Central and Eastern Europe. -
Amnesty International, Romania - Annual reports, news, projects and recommendations. -
Businessmen's Association Iasi 2003 - A non-governmental and non-profit organization which uses its income for activities and services for the companies settled in Iasi County. -
Transylvania Business Center - Founded in September 1992 to create a unique NGO/NPO business center for the Transylvania region. -
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest - Useful information targeted at the business community from Romania and abroad includes: on-line databases, Romanian companies pages, business opportunities, publications, fairs and exhibitions, partnerships, business guides and promotions. -
Electronic Exchange Cluj Napoca, Romania - Commodities exchange, financial institutions, auctions, business newspapers, databases, other business information. -
World Bank Romania - The official site. Has a series of economic studies, news, press releases, and procurement announcements. -
USAID in Romania - Country Report, congressional presentations and summary of USAID assistance to Romania. -
Foreign Investor Council - An association of the leading foreign investors in Romania committed to the promotion of constructive dialogue between policy makers and the foreign investment community. -