Portugal Web - Description of some traditional Portuguese products such as equestrian, wine and gourmet. Has an online shop where it is possible to buy some of those products. - http://www.portugalweb.com
Portowine.net - Purchase rare and vintage Port wines online. - http://www.portowine.net/
Port Wine Online - Port wine online directly from Oporto. - http://www.portwineonline.com
BluePlanetDVD - Online DVD rental and sale by mail. - http://www.blueplanetdvd.com/indexEn.html
Semente - The Portugal brand for surfboards, surfwear, shoewear and eyewear. - http://www.semente.pt/
Vitesse Toys - An interesting and diverse line of die-cast toy vehicles and accessories. - http://www.vitessegroup.com/
Portugal Regional - Offers Portuguese specialties - wines, confectionery, crafts, and ceramics. - http://www.portugalregional.pt/
VeryTypical - Online shopping for handcrafted arts from Portugal. - http://www.verytypical.com