Environmental Lobbying Support Office - Established to enhance the activities of ecological non-governmental organisations by strengthening their influence on decision-making processes in government. - http://www.lobbing.eco.pl/
Polish Patients Association - Medical malpractice victims organization, protection of pacients' rights, assistance to mistreated persons. - http://www.sppnn.org.pl/
City Cyclists - City Cyclists of The Association for Ecological Transportation in Poznañ. - http://www.srm.eco.pl/
Internet for Handicapped - Internet services provided by Foundation for Helping Physically Disabled Mathematicians and Computer Scientists. - http://www.idn.org.pl/
Polish Humanitarian Action Foundation - Led by Janina Ochojska, provides social assistance to the poor and refugees in Poland and abroad. - http://www.pah.ngo.pl/index.htm