The Polish Maritime Museum - Information about the museum, its historic buildings and vessels, scientific research as well as programme of events and activities. Links to lighthouses and museums: The Vistula River Museum and The Vistula Lagoon Museum. -
Department of Oceanography and Baltic Sea Monitoring - Current and archival forecasts and monitoring data on the southern Baltic Sea. Information about publications, research, staff and equipment. -
Gdynia Aquarium - Virtual tour of exhibits, educational resources, tourist information including opening hours, ticket prices, location, directions and gift shop, and nearby attractions. -
Institute of Oceanology - The Institute, its research, journals and publications, infrastructure, news and events. -
Sea Fisheries Institute in Gdynia - Areas of research include fisheries biology, fisheries oceanography and marine ecology, fish processing technology and fisheries economics. Library, publications, Testing Laboratory and Polish Marine Fishery Science Centre. Also link to Gdynia Aquarium. -