Podere il Falco - Presentation of farm apartments and services, with rates, photographs and booking form. - http://www.podereilfalco.it/
Giuliano Mazzuoli - Designer of high precision Italian watches. History, events, points of sale and contacts. - http://www.giulianomazzuoli.it/
Proloco Tourist Information Office - General information on the city and surroundings for visitors. Includes a brief history, events, activities and accommodation listings. - http://www.prolocotavarnelle.it/
Fattoria Il Cantuccio - Apartments in a country house between Florence and Siena. Shared use of a swimming pool. Photographs, descriptions and prices plus wines produced. - http://www.ilcantuccio.net/
Matriolo - [San Donato] Agritourism establishment - presentatatiom of accommodation, maps, description and photographs. - http://www.agriturismomatriolo.it
Antica Pieve - Bed and Breakfast establishment, with description, photographs map and prices. - http://www.anticapieve.net