Podere Mezzastrada - Country apartments in a complex which belonged to Santa Maria Novella castle. Description, photographic gallery, rates and availability request form. - http://www.mezzastrada.com/
Corte dei Cavalli - Farm holidays and horse riding. A few photographs, location and a brief description. - http://www.cortecavalli.com/
Agriturismo Cameli - Includes description of accommodation, photographs, location and contact information. - http://www.agriturismocameli.com/
Caselsa - Photo-gallery, description, map and local information. - http://www.caselsa.com/
Fattoria Primavera - Descriptions, photographs, maps, history and local information. Flash content. - http://www.fattoriaprimaveramariobianchi.com/
Castello di Tavolese - Photographs, description, facilities, some links and rates. - http://www.tavolese.it
Porta Al Bagnano - Five bedroom property, all with private bathrooms. Map, prices, online booking form and accommodation pictures. - http://www.portalbagnano.com/
Villa Giulia - Photographs, description, maps and property history. - http://www.villagiulia.net