L'Accademia - Offers the opportunity to study Italian in Cagliari. Includes informations about the courses and other services. - http://www.laccademia.com/
Yacht Club Cagliari - Services, photos, technical data and boat information, sail events, the school. - http://www.yachtclub-cagliari.com/
Centre for North South Economic Research (CRENOS) - Provides analysis of development gaps at the national and regional level. Consists of researchers at local universities. - http://www.crenos.it/
One World Language Centre Sardinia - Learn the language in the school and practise on the sandy beaches of Cagliari, capital of the sunny island of Sardinia. - http://www.oneworldlanguagecentre.com/
ISDRI - Sardinian Institute for the International Relation - Nonprofit organization offering summer language courses as well as tourist and international exchange services. Information on location, services, and requirements. - http://www.isdri.com/
Autorità Portuale di Cagliari - The Port of Cagliari, statistics, the Port Authority, activities and services. - http://www.porto.cagliari.it/
The University of Cagliari - Faculties, informations for foreign students, International cooperation, news. - http://www.unica.it/
XP2000 - The first international conference on Xp and agile software development. 21-23 June, 2000 - http://ciclamino.dibe.unige.it/XP2000/
Mereu, Gabriella - Show the Verbal Therapy, clinical cases and examples of Patientese. - http://www.terapiaverbale.it/
Agenzia Orrù Viaggi - Specialises in the organisation of congresses, meetings, seminars and parades. Includes accommodation, itineraries and car rental. - http://www.viaggiorru.it/home_e.htm
Multimedia Crociere.com - Established in 1986, specialises as Costa Cruises general agent. - http://www.multimediacrociere.com
Dr.Gustavo Petti - Periodontology dental practice. Includes qualifications, publications, and patient education files. - http://www.gustavopetti.it/HtmlInglese/home.htm