Davide Monaco Architetto - Provides available drawings, maps, pictures and the Molise district's pertinent laws, textures and patterns for Autocad and 3D Studios. - http://xoomer.alice.it/davmonac/indexen.html
Isernia: A Young Province with an Old Heart - Introduction to the city: location map, aerial view of the city, photographs of its historic buildings with comments. - http://xoomer.alice.it/davmonac/homo/isernuk.html
Palaeolithic Site La Pineta - The discovery of most ancient man of Europa (750.000 years ago). Within this site one may the palaeolithical ground brought back to light during the excavations conducted up to now. - http://xoomer.alice.it/davmonac/homo/indexgb.html
GATE Tecnologie Informatiche Srl - Specialises in the production of software solutions for the financial sector. Includes company profile, product information, location and contact details. - http://www.gatelab.com/