Fumagalli Componenti - Supplier of valves, piping and steel fittings. Provides company overview, product details, and contact information. - http://www.fumagallipiping.com/
Air Balloons - Manufactures latex balloons and accessories. Company profile, product information with photographs and contact details. - http://www.airballoons.net/
Tempomatic - Producers and distributers of mechanical timers and thermostats. Includes company overview, product information, location and contact details. - http://www.tempomatic.net/
Tecnocolor S.r.l - Producers of industrial coatings. Includes product details and technical information. - http://www.tecnocolorsrl.it/index2.htm
Sicei - Produces three-phase asynchronous motors, submergible motors, high temperature motors and slip-ring motors. - http://www.sicei.it/
Promeco S.r.l. - Producer of electrical connectors and grounding network materials. Catalogue, photographs and contact information. - http://www.promecosrl.it/
Fumagalli Componenti S.p.A. - Producers of electrical hand and hair dryers and stainless steel washroom accessories. Company profile, product information and contact details. - http://www.fumagallidryers.it/