A to Z of Ancient Ireland - Extracts from the book 'Ancient Ireland - The Users' Guide' by Conan Kennedy, covering mythology and sacred sites. - http://home.iprimus.com.au/selliot/ireland/a_to_z_of_ancient_ireland.htm
The Geography of Ancient Ireland - Regional information. Includes a map. - http://mockingbird.creighton.edu/english/micsun/IrishResources/geograph.htm
The Department of Irish Folklore - An article on the national repository of folklore and UCD's role in acquiring it. - http://www.ucd.ie/~ucdnews/may95/folklore.html
CELT: English Language Texts - The English-language section of CELT - UCC's Corpus of Electronic Texts. - http://www.ucc.ie/celt/engpage.html
Bronze Age Horns - A brief history of ancient Irish horns and their role in today's music. List of suppliers of horns. Download sound files. - http://homepage.tinet.ie/~bronzeagehorns/